Meet our experts at Transport & Logistics in Ghent

05 September 2024

Mervielde is pleased to meet customers, prospects and other professional partners at Transport & Logistics in the halls of Flanders Expo in Ghent. Visit us in Hall 1, Booth 1424 and discover how our services can help you optimize your logistics processes.

Our experts look forward to welcoming you on 17 and 18 September at the Mervielde booth (Hall 1, no. 1424) and finding the most suitable logistics solution for your projects. 

We are the right logistics partner for: 

  • the storage and transshipment, treatment and transport of your hazardous and non-hazardous liquids
  • the internal cleaning of tanker trucks and tank containers

Our experts’ integrated approach leads to added value that always translates into cost efficiency, time savings, quality and safety for your business. 

Interested to know how we can support your business?  

We look forward to meeting you soon!